2007) Sugiyono, metode Penelitian pengembangan research and development, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2015) Sugiyono.
Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D.ĭata obtained from questionnaires were then analyzed using quantitative analysis techniques with a percentage scale. Prasetyo Bambang dan Lina Miftahul Jannah. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif: Teori dan Aplikasi. The findings in this study are: (1) students prefer learning health and safety using image media with the acquisition of 77.8%, (2) students prefer exposure to occupational health and safety material divided into chapters with the acquisition of a score of 55.6%, (3) students prefer occupational health and safety media with background images and bright colors, (4) students prefer occupational health and safety learning that can be accessed on smartphones with 77.8% gain, and (5) students expect health and safety learning Android smartphone-based work can implement emergency features with 66.7% acquisition.